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Siren Leaches!
07-06-05, 10:16 PM of those emotions I wished would quickly vanish after the feeling occurs. Since I've been dwelling on this emotion for six hours now and after a long rant which I did not post, I'm going to be brief.

I interviewed for a job where my lack of environmental permitting and knowledge became quite apparent in less than two minutes after the interview commenced. By the interviewer's tone, I had no chance and should have ended the interview. Rather than admitting my lack of knowledge, I grasped at fading memories and experiences which made the situation worse. Although the job was not top on my list, I just wanted to perform well and at least be considered as a potential worthy employee.

From this experience, I've been rattled to the core where I believe I have no marketable skills or expertise. I've let humilation grow into a monster which demeans my self-worth.

I need to look at the positives in that I'm still in the running for three jobs locted in Florida, two of which not environment related, and a job in the Cayman Islands, not environmentally related. One of the jobs, I know I could be a rock star. Two of the jobs would be challenging and offer more money than I imagined that I could ever make, but self-doubt now enters, "Can I do the job?"

Fuck the environment! You humble me.

Headhunters, I shouldn't believe your praises and claims. Siren leaches!

Yesterday - Tomorrow

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,050706_22.html,Siren Leaches!,07-06-05>
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