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Empty Glass, Empty Thoughts
07-09-05, 10:11 PM

Having dropped-off a case and a half a beer at my folk's home for my brother�s and my pleasure when we visit, I just returned from the liquor store where I impulsively purchased Suaza Tequila and margarita mix, for convenience sake. To my left is the blended, frozen margarita appropriately poured into a festive, hand painted margarita glass which came from a gift set that someone gave me when I moved from one of my various homes and towns over the years. About once a year, I use a glass from the set, but never the pitcher, when it seems a major decision, like moving for instance, needs to be mulled over.

Earlier today, my thirteen year old nephew firmly established himself as the coolest kid in school and his church because we took twelve of his closest friends to play paintball war games at a farm. Standing behind a card table in the garage, my brother, age 39, dressed in camouflage fatigues greeted parents and had them sign the required waiver forms if bodily harm, injury or death should occur which caused concern with a few of the parents but others were more than happy to enlist their kids for war games for few hours in order to gain some peace and quiet. Intimidating my brother appeared in a uniform and you could tell by the kids' expressions they were scared of the unknown as they were then issued an official army uniform that my brother purchased online from Ebay. Soon, a small squad of thirteen year olds formed who were apprehensive yet happy and relieved they all conformed in appearance.

Prior to leaving, my sister-in-law grew nervous because, it seems, kids these days seem to be allergic to everything as she listed those who may have conditions and other problems � some were timid, momma�s boys, hyper, etc. Never having a kid, this was a perspective I did not share except from my own perspective as a former thirteen year old. I just don�t remember being coddled but rather recall wanting to be outside all the time seeking new adventures, playing sports and getting into trouble. It�s different today.

For the first game, it was three adults against twelve kids and we still won. Interestingly, after the first game their fear subsided and the runty, blonde hair kid who was �timid� became the most aggressive out the bunch. Socially, he stood around the group�s fringe with a down turned head but during the game, he lit up! After the third game, he was right in the mix telling his battle story with the others. Oh, to be thirteen again! Not a care in the world other than being accepted.

Returning home, I had two voice mail messages. The California recruiter wants my references and available days to travel and a Florida recruiter wants to perform a week-end telephone interview with the president of the company. I believe I came to a resolution that I need to tell the California recruiter my gut instinct tells me that I should not pursue this job. Hopefully, a fuller job description will be available for this other Florida job located in Sarasota. Who know? Maybe hurricane Dennis will make the decision for me if it should hit land?

Timing is everything � my thoughts are now empty and so is my glass!

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