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Indifferent Day, Despite the Heat
07-26-05, 10:29 PM

Two weeks of poison ivy or a rash caused from the former industrial chemical site? Painfully itchy with small bumps and what seems like small burns best describes my skin conditions on my legs. I thought about actually breaking down and seeing a doctor but dread receiving bad news.

My potential job opportunities fell off the face of the earth.

While working today, I met a cute woman and we exchanged business cards. I think she may be interested but I can't tell. I wrote an email and maybe I'll drop by her office to gauge an interest.

With the 100 degree day, after my 2:30 p.m. appointment I decided I had enough and no man should be outside in a black wool suit dripping of sweat, hence I took the rest of the afternoon off.

Yesterday - Tomorrow

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fuck you. - 07-02-08
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Tax Man Encourages Hobbies? - 03-11-08
,050726_94.html,Indifferent Day, Despite the Heat,07-26-05>
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