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Too tired from a b-day...thank god I'm not a parent
10-05-05, 8:01 PM

Tonight, I'm tired and the brief birthday celebration for my niece at a restaurant not only wore me out but the waiter as well. There is no reasoning with a 5, 8, 11 and 13 year old who each recently gained an attitude of their own. The yelling, screaming and sarcastic comments served as reminder why I won't be a good parent.

My witty three sentence note turned-out to be quite a nice little surprise for my 'date'. I'm not quite sure though I'll ask her out this week-end though as a break may give her something to think about during this courtship game. I don't want to become over-bearing and a routine.

I'm tired and need sleep.

running is going well.
lifting weights-- good.

job-- sucks, but that is nothing unusual, however I wanted to punch a guy in the face. For an educated man, an attorney, I never seen someone so irrational who instantly changed his emotions to that of a school yard bully when he didn't get his way. During our discussion, the architect even excused himself when the prick became abusive and my boss waited in the hall wanting to enter and intrude upon our 'conversation'. I killed with kindness though and called his bullshit logic. However, if an opportunity ever rises to that level again, I'll give him a warning.

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