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Manage A Trois
12-02-05, 6:39 AM

(Internal conversation)

Do I need to knock on wood before stating this? My life is finally getting back to normal.

What has changed to make you say this?

I think it has something to do with control over it.


Yes. For a few years, I was running at the whim to solve other�s problems, mostly family and job related. Recently, I�ve been able to focus and devote time to things I enjoy such as getting back to running; pursuing a relationship; and experimental cooking which is usually an experiment no matter what I cook. For example, last Sunday I tried making Matza Ball soup for the first time and now I am hooked on it. I made another dozen last night and made a homemade pizza from scratch as an reward for running.

Running and reward? What�s with the running?

I used to run all the town on the mountain trails with my dog but since moving here I hadn�t in such a long time. Although it�s not the mountains with endless trails, I found a park with a mile loop which suffices. Imagine my surprise to find six deers which I almost ran into during a pitch dark run!

What else is to this aspect of control?

Well, there is control of one�s job and knowing what I�m doing is correct. Although it took awhile, my family finally realized that I have steadfast boundaries that need to be respected.


Is that a judgement?

No. Just provides insight into your personality.

I�m not a control freak. Well, maybe a little when it comes to personal time and space.

What else has made this euphoric feeling?

I know my boss won�t be into work today which means that I get to slack and my co-workers will become normal and not sycophants.

Hooray for clean noses!

Also, a few weeks back I submitted an application for an Executive Director�s job and received a call to interview on Monday. It�s only an hour away and pays double what I�m making now along with a lower cost of living. I�m actually excited about the job description as well. A quick thought just occurred to me: the job is controlling in nature as well � a government related position that administers all aspect to development and economic development. I AM A CONTROL FREAK!

I suspected but didn�t want to say anything about it. Now, you have to look at the positives sides to this analysis: one needs to be controlling in this employment position. Just don�t let it effect your personal relationships. You seem to do a good job and are very accommodating. Speaking of dating.

You did?

It�s a play on words. What is going on with the girl?

I like her a lot and becoming emotionally attached. I thought I could have a frank discussion and tell her that most likely this relationship won�t go far because of her condition but I couldn�t do it.

Why not?

I took her out to a Mexican restaurant and two margaritas into it, we were laughing and having a good time. So, how do you lower the gauntlet during a tequila induced night? You can�t and I spent the night � all safe and limited contact of course. You know she has dog.


Yea. During foreplay, because that�s all there is, this little dog would jump on the bed and sit about a foot away watching unbeknownst to me or her. While on my side, I felt a little �something� on my back which turned out the dog licking me. A little tongue licking away. My first "manage a trois" turns out to be with a dog!

Anything to this?

Not that I can go into right now! However, I'm looking over the pet classified section -- this could be a new source of Personal Ads for me!, so to speak.

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