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All I Need
02-05-06, 10:38 PM

Nothing exciting over the week-end but I did learn a few things as I get older.

1. I no longer bounce back from a hang-over in one takes two to three now.

2. If I want to run the marathon, I have to cut-out drinking altogether, as evident of Friday night and the after effects.

3. Carbo loading doesn't mean topping spaghetti with homemade chili that causes reprecussions during the same two days as one is recovering from a hangover.

4. I need to further refine my diet.

5. I have no game when it comes to women.

6. All the good ones are already taken.

7. Air freshners cannot cover my chili, sweating odor.

8. I think 5 and 7 have a lot to do with not getting a date. That combined with the fact, I had a snot on my face after running. No wonder she didn't want to look at me.

9. Despite all the above, my dogs still like me -- and sometimes, that is all I need.

Yesterday - Tomorrow

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