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Front Porch
05-24-06, 11:00 AM

Front Porch Day! It� Front Porch Day! What does this mean? A local politician, the one who employs the �girl� as his assistant, created �Front Porch Day� where once a month or so, people within his district are encouraged to visit their neighbors on the front porch, drink lemonade or some concoction, and just shoot the breeze. The idea is simple: encourage people to be neighborly and perhaps, create some sort of neighborhood bonds.

Last night, the �girl� invited me to her front porch because she thought this to be an opportune time to meet her neighbors and her good friends. Although her porch was not much of a porch at all but rather a stoop and a series of stairs, we made with the addition of a couple of folding chairs. Lemonade is perhaps my favorite of all beverages. In one sitting I could drink a whole pitcher by myself. Luckily for me, the �girl� was serving beer and wine coolers along with salsa chips because alcohol takes the nervousness out of people, especially me when I�m being displayed for the first time to her friends.

Around 6:45 when people finished their dinners and the night began to settle with sparrows darting and chasing each other, people began to emerge from their homes to their porches in search of conversation. Her next door neighbor, I already met � an early 40�s, outdoor adventure guy with a Columbian wife who always has humorous slant, comment or observation. His wife was still on her shift.

Eventually, the �friend�, the married friend with stylish pointy shoes, designer top and a big, old rock on herfinger, the very same woman hugging my �girl� in photo that is taped to the girl�s refrigerator door, arrived and surveyed my movements and responses, all the while making judgment. I could see the assessment in her eyes which then made me cautious about my responses and involvement in the conversation because she, too, is a therapist.

When meeting people, I�m rather cautious about revealing too much about myself. Perhaps, if we meet again in another situation, I will tell more because there is more of investment in the relationship between the girl's friend and I. But for now, I�ll comment, smile, laugh and even feign interest in the topic whether it is about work, shoes, shopping or politics.

With that said, the �girl� proud of her�boyfriend� announced the local construction project I�m managing along the nearby commercial corridor which caused me to cringe due to past experiences where people could either love or hate the work the government is doing. Second, personally I�m not even impressed with the projects assigned to me as they are not awe-inspiring but just merely there. With my cringed face, the friend appreciated and liked the project but then not necessarily attacked me but explained the problems in her neighborhood and would like something done. She added the disclaimer that she wouldn�t be like the woman who has caused me so much grief.

I smiled. Nodded in agreement as to say, �I understand your problem and concerns.� Nervously laughed and danced around the issue. Just hours ago, another politician withdrew his funding in her neighborhood. This is not my fight.

A tinge of revenge entered my blood stream for throwing me under the bus or just revealing something about me that, although she�s proud of, I�m not necessarily proud of � my current employment/ career status. Perhaps, I was on guard because the �friend� inquired about other matters. There was no way that she could know about my life status and desires other than through conversations with the �girl�. As a person who plays life close to the chest, the players at this porch seemed to have been cheating and looking at my cards and picking over the ones they want.

Irrationally betrayed, I countered by announcing the girl�s personal, unrevealed goal, �The �girl� intends to qualify for the Boston Marathon.� A lofty, yet achievable goal if she puts her mind to it.

With this revelation, the neighbor jumped on her by adding through observation, �Yes, it seems as if you could do because it looked as though you weren�t really trying (running) when you passed us on the course. Others weren�t talking or anything but here comes you two laughing and talking away. Maybe, if you ran a little harder, you could do it.�

�This is not my goal, rather this Bob�s goal for me.� Her friend then offered encouragement that she should follow through with qualifying because it is a once in a life time event and her friends� lives were greatly impacted by finishing the race.

Down the street, three horses clumped in our direction with police smiling and waving. They stopped in front of the house and appeared to be giants on these huge grey, white and brown horses. The Councilman requested the horses to be on patrol this day as kids and family members are drawn to pet the horses and access to something out of the ordinary. The police officers, probably the friendliest of the department, smiled broadly and joked with us. The �girl� ran down to pet the horses and one took to her by forcing it�s head under the girl's arm to be petted on it's nose and head.

With dusk giving way to the night sky, Front Porch Day was over.

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