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Traumatized in a very odd way
08-03-06, 10:31 PM

- Traumatized in a very odd way-

Being a dutiful son, I made arrangements to have dinner with my father in the nursing home. Just as we were to be served in the formal dining room, he claims his stomach is upset and needs to go to the bathroom. Quickly, he guides and zooms his scooter to the room. �Bob, could you drop my pants and lift me on the toilette?�

�Why don�t we call the nurses to help because I can�t lift you alone.�

�Come on! You can do it!�

Pulling down his pants was difficult because he could barely lift himself above the scooter's seat. Undoing his pants down to his knees is a struggle, yet I managed alone and thought how odd that I�ve undone his pants enough that his nudity doesn�t bother me. However, when trying to lift him on the toilette, he just let go and crapped on me. Yes, crapped on me. This TRAUMATIZED me.

Mental crap (guilt), I could handle but to have a parent physically crap on you... there are no words to describe my feeling other than, "I can't get much lower...can I? Murder someone and sit on death row? I have shit on me. I can't believe this!"

I�m sure it was humiliating for him for a moment but I�m sure it quickly passed as memory is short term with him.

I cleaned-up to the best of my ability and returned to the vacant dining room sipping on my ice tea and staring off in the distance in disbelief and now recalling when I was on the top of the world and the actions which lead me to my current state of being. To make matters worse, they served chocolate cake for desert which I could never eat again because of its all too familiar looking frosting.

Is there a moral to the story? Is there a bright side?

Just remember, no how good or bad your life is...there is always someone waiting to crap on you, even the least suspecting person.


Can my life sink any lower?

Yep, bugs flying up my pants and a parent crapping on me. ... yep... I do remember the story, there is still someone out there waiting to crap on me. Maybe, it will be the attorney tomorrow (I saw this coming too and tried to warn my boss that he took the wrong action.)

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