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Day Off Procrastination...
09-15-06, 11:04 AM

Yes, I had to take the day off from work. Simply, I had to, otherwise I wouldn't get paid for an unused floating holiday. It's too bad that don't pay for unused sick time, otherwise I would receive nearly three weeks worth.

It also pays not to burn your bridges. Having wrote a complimentary resignation letter, my boss will keep me on the books as long as he could such that my insurance doesn't expire between jobs.

Today, Dale wrote requesting my address in order to send a wedding invitation. It seems that we are the very last to get married out of our group of friends. I wonder how many people delay marriage until later in life? I thought the median age increased but I wonder what percent of people's first marriage is at 40 or after? Not that I'm 40 but the big day is only few calendar page flips away.

Oh, yea! Today, the jeweler has the ring ready! I hope it looks great. I�ll have to keep it my safe until the big move, otherwise the girl may stumble upon it and ruin the surprise.

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