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Hooked -up and hooked on running.
10-13-06, 11:30 PM

Please stand-up and introduce yourself.

...and I'm a runner. I'm running the Chicago Marathon the following week-end...

Locally, the trail running club is sponsoring a 12 and 6 mile run over some back country trails. I had hoped to run my 10 mile run on some nice, flat streets. Instead, my declaration of "I'm a runner," now has me running over serious terrain and elevations that I may not be prepared to do because I could tell by co-workers expectations at happy hour that they expected me to enter.

Initially, I declined, mostly in part, because a large,painful, bulbous bump appeared next to my groin. I hope it is due to an insect, spider bite or in-grown hair. Two beers later, I'm feeling no pain and limp to the table and enter.

"Hey, you're the new guy with the town. I recognize you from our meeting."

"Do you have open registration."

"NO. It's been full and closed for three months."


"But, if you wait around, I'll see if I could hook you up."


I got hooked-up and now I'm sticking needles into my groin trying to drain this bump and figure-out what it is. Oh yea, six miles would have been nice but he pressumed that 12 would do because of my proud declaration, "I'm a runner."

I guess I am runner afterall -- 12 miles sounds okay and I'm inflicting self-surgery upon myself in order to run tomorrow, despite the pain with every step.Yep, I'm hooked and hooked-up.

At least this is an athletic town!

Yesterday - Tomorrow

Here we go again... - 10-06-10
fuck you. - 07-02-08
A new blog - 04-13-08
New site: The Running Bob - 03-16-08
Tax Man Encourages Hobbies? - 03-11-08
,061014_65.html,Hooked -up and hooked on running.,10-13-06>
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