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Why settle when there is more?
11-06-06, 11:13 PM

45 minutes from the eastern time zone, I will turn another decade.

The girl is Texas making her way across the United States to join me in Arizona. Perhaps one more day of single-hood but I suspect she'll arrive for my birthday, hence tonight, I'm making the final arrangements of preparing the apartment and more importantly, deleting computer files, web-history and changing passwords. I wonder if she'll come across this diary? Nothing is full-proof but also there isn't much to hide from her, yet is everything to be so open now?

Work is going incredible! I'm getting back on top of my game -- being thorough and impressing others. It's a living...

It is a great feeling to enjoy where you live and what you're doing. I'm so appreciative of these facts and missed this feeling for a number of years. It just seems like I belong here. Settling is not worth the misery when you have such a short life.

Yesterday - Tomorrow

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