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Digital Delight
04-15-07, 10:13 PM

Despite heroic efforts, the Kodak digital camera nears death with jammed lens. I'm afraid, I can't rebuild it, nor have the technology. There a small screws, springs and a camera case contained within a ceramic bowl on the coffee table -- how appropriate-- it's urn. I will attempt to put Humpty Dumpty back together again and ship it off to the experts with the technology to restore him.

With the wedding fast approaching, cruise and my creative juices flowing for expression, I need a new camera. I spent three days researching for the best deal I could afford which entailed many tabbed, windows open as I comparison shopped. Three days later, I'm kind of surprised that Walmart had the best deal and could ship it here by Friday. I purchased a a 10 megapixel, Canon A640. In terms of accessories, I have to find my rechargeable batteries and purchase 1 gig memory. I'll protect this camera with my life -- just like the last two which met there demise under my car's tire and an open door crushing the lens.

Money-- I'm spending way too much for this wedding. However, I could justify this purchase as the camera will catch memories or did I really want a cool electronic toy?

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