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Same book, different chapter.
05-20-07, 9:03 PM

Still in catch-up mode in work and I missed an important deadline.

Surprisingly, my boss called me at work at 7:30 p.m. Why would he do that? What caused him to call? Who called him to tell him, I missed the deadline and the packets were not delivered on time? The problem was that my report was not complete, hence I had to work until midnight. Saturday morning, I made the deliveries. This is bad timing as I'm approacing my six month review and have been stumbling through my projects.

Monday, my boss returns from the conference and we have an early morning meeting with staff and a developer. Unfortunately, I did not call the meeting, yet have to create an agenda for a meeting other than to ensure, "we're on the same page". I'm in a different chapter.

Meanwhile, I downloaded our honeymoon pictures and wish I were back in on a stress-free vacation.

Yesterday - Tomorrow

Here we go again... - 10-06-10
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New site: The Running Bob - 03-16-08
Tax Man Encourages Hobbies? - 03-11-08
,070521_81.html,Same book, different chapter.,05-20-07>
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