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A good day at the races!
08-04-07, 6:38 PM

I did everything a runner is not suppose to do before a race, yet managed to finish fifth in my age category; improved my time by four minutes on the same race course which I ran two months ago; and, equaled a race time from 13 years ago! I'm especially proud of equally the same time as when I was 27 because it shows that I still have "IT", even as I age.

Only three years ago, I decided to start running again and the journey back would be quite long-- essentially, I gained fifty pounds over two years and was way out of shape. Now, I'm almost back to the form I was in my late 20's. I hope to post some pictures shortly about this progression.

Next week, is the half-marathon where I hope my training for a marathon will propel me upward in our local running series where your three best races out of five in a 10k, a nine miler and half-marathon count.

Oh yeah, what did I do wrong? I drank about 8 to 10 glasses of alcohol the night before and was slightly hung-over; ran on a brand new pair of shoes that weren't broken-in or the brand never tried before; and, used socks I never worn before. Just think of my results if I would have worn my usual pair of socks! ... the NOT drinking probably would have helped even more, though.

So, I'm very pleased with my progress and am looking forward to the marathon in October.

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