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A Prejudicial Walk to Work
07-07-05, 2:06 PM

A jittery, feeling, as well as a sense of �loss of control�, still persists today as I dwell upon my responses from yesterday. Opening my eyes this morning the first thing I see is my television screen with a CNN �Breaking News� banner and �London Bombing� scrolling across the bottom with details of three bus bombings.

Milo, my dog, has an uncanny sense when I need comforting and jumped upon my bed and pawed me to pet him as I watched the news. Splash patiently sat next to the bed and jealousy eyed Milo while waiting for her turn. Memories and feelings from 9/11 resurfaced as I prepared for my day and drive into work while scanning the radio for details about the bombings.

Will the nation�s crack rainbow alert system raise the level from Harvest Gold to Sunset Orange? I wonder what the consequences from the bombing will be locally and upon me? Aside from my suspicious, prejudicial glances at people on the street and the thought to avoid public transportation or stand near a bus, I only noticed the Water and Sanitation Security guard standing in front of his big pick-up truck rather than sitting inside and eating donuts. As I passed, I noticed his pear-shaped girth and believed the only deterrent would be to act as a human bollard. However, the London bombing at least provided the first opportunity where I could say �hello� to the man while I passed during my morning walk to work. The tone of �hello� was one of recognition and appreciation.

Yesterday - Tomorrow

Here we go again... - 10-06-10
fuck you. - 07-02-08
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Tax Man Encourages Hobbies? - 03-11-08
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