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Political Infatuation
08-03-05, 10:31 AM

Prior to the meeting with the Councilman, the cute, petite, outspoken Legislative Assistant hooked onto my deliberate attempt to get her attention with my previous week�s revelation of a common interest. At the time, I thought my comments instantly vanished into the air, which I spoke, but she remembered and inquired further. With my boss and the Department Director standing behind me along with a stereotypical, tall, dark and handsome Legislative Assistant with political ambitions and body politics interest in her as well, I proceeded to speak about my running accomplishments and encouraged her to try the same.

A tunnel vision moment ensued as the three faded to the background as I noted their peripheral movements to the door, she became the focus and I noticed her new haircut accentuating her face, blue eyes and white smile. With ninety-five degrees outside and eighty degrees inside the air-condtion-less historic city hall with twenty-foot ceilings and mahogany walls, the sun poured through the elongated window inviting my eyes to survey her athletic body silhouetted through her sundress.

I was the prisoner on death row making his march to the electric chair because the meeting�s agenda was to address my behavior toward a constituent a few weeks back. I am sure she knew of my actions because the Legislative Assistants have a close community where they debate daily, throw insinuations and gossip among each other in order to secure Councilmen�s votes. I am an outsider.

To me, it quickly became apparent the tall-dark and handsome Legislative Assistant was protecting his domain politically and personally by trying to drag me through the mire in front of his Councilman and the cute Legislative Assistant because why would he schedule a meeting in another�s Councilman�s chamber? Why not use his Councilman�s chambers? For unknown reasons other than the office was bigger, the politically ambitious Legislative Assistant, booked his foe�s Councilman�s chamber where the cute Legislative Assistant would be present throughout the meeting. Simply, the issue could have been resolved quickly if it weren�t for a lack of understanding by the young, Legislative Assistant and the neophyte Councilman but there were some other circumstances as well.

Sensing the awkward situation of holding a meeting in front of someone not privy to the situation, my Director demanded a change of meeting room. Sure, I wanted to ask for a date but the audience, my two defenders and two lynch men, waited by the door to escort me to the meeting. Will I live another day? Will my job remain such circumstances forces me to work with sun-dress Legislative Assistant? Am I reading too much into her questions? Perhaps, her questions were merely to seek information?

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