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Bob is GREAT!
02-27-06, 1:55 PM

Bragging rights:

My Greatness knows no bounds! (My spin.)

Within my age category, 35- 39, I was the fastest for my age! Yay! Go Bob! Go Bob! Go Bob!

I finished in the top 1/3! Go Bob! Go Bob! You are great!

I'm making progress in my running. For example, back in November, I finished in the bottom 1/3 and a lot slower pace.


My greatness will be known throughout the world! On February 26, 2006, I was the fastest 39 year old Louisvillian!

(smattering of applause)

Yesterday - Tomorrow

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,060227_74.html,Bob is GREAT!,02-27-06>
Recent '06-'07 Entrees
July 05 to July 06