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Charcoal In Your Stockings
05-17-06, 11:39 AM

Yesterday�s good feeling, despite a four day persistent rain, probably was due to coming to grips with a stage in my life and realization of my future possibilities. Unfortunately, I think this is a first stage of this process and don�t want to fully disclose just yet. In short, I do see this current locality as a possibility for a future. Like I previously wrote, I feel as if something good is about to happen.

Typically, I wait until mid-December to do Christmas shopping but a situation arose where I could knock-out six of twelve family members� gifts in one full swoop. I try to be thoughtful with my gifts by purchasing something meaningful and relevant to their lives � the paintball ghillie suit or sausages of the world for example!

To make a long story short, I�ve always been amazed at the portraits hanging in museums and speculate about the person�s live and what they were thinking. What causes one to get their portrait painted? The obvious answer is: they didn�t have photography. Although I would like to afford paintings and an actual sitting, I don�t know if artists even do that anymore, it would be something I would like to do for others or have done even for myself. I think there is something captured in the moment and interpreted through art.

Any rate, a fellow Diarylander found herself and foreign born husband caught in bureaucratic red tape mishap in the processing of his green card, thereby causing them to be marooned in Germany while their belongings and family await in the good old USA � we�re known for a bureaucracy and lazy government workers (I�m include in this mix as I work for metropolitan government). Perhaps, the title �starving artist� may be appropriate at this juncture but they were resourceful in finding a solution to their financial woes by offering charcoal drawings of family members or pets for a fee. Initially, I thought of immortalizing my dogs and family members� pets but realized last year my relative surprised us by drawing our pets and giving the drawings as gifts when he returned on his next visit.

After much deliberation then consulting with the �girl�, a former artist, about a reasonable fee because I have no clue when it comes to commissioned work or even how to go about getting something produced, I decided upon a fair price which was the upper end of the �girl�s� recommendation. During this time, the Diaryland friend quoted in an email a much lower price, a �friend�s rate�, than my �girl�s� recommended fair price. Certainly, there was a little voice that said, �She�s (Diarylander) offering quite a deal, take her up upon it.� In the end, I didn�t want to take advantage of someone�s situation for my benefit because I would have a guilty conscious. Second, I really like the fact that I know something about the artist and her circumstances when she produces these pieces. Third, I wanted to provide my family members gifts that I hope they pass onto their children such a few generations later their kids� kids will inquire about the people in the charcoal drawing hanging in their home. Fourth, I just like her work, especially the eyes. The �girl� also picked-up on her ability as I forwarded a few of the artist�s example to comment upon. Fifth, rationalizing, I receive of something of value to me and, in exchange, I think the timing of such exchange may help them out when they needed it the most. In the end, I�m very excited about these gifts and hope I can resist the urge of giving them the drawings before Christmas.

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