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At last?!
06-10-06, 10:40 AM

I�m very excited and hopeful! In my endless pursuit of finding not just a job, because I already have that, but rather a fulfilling career, I think I�ve I finally discovered a company where I could not only fully use my skills and education but also believe in the company�s services and their mission-- a human services company that provides support to people with disabilities and special needs. I�m chuckling about the irony because the company�s mission closely aligns to what I currently do for my family � solve their problems.

Yesterday - Tomorrow

Here we go again... - 10-06-10
fuck you. - 07-02-08
A new blog - 04-13-08
New site: The Running Bob - 03-16-08
Tax Man Encourages Hobbies? - 03-11-08
,060610_23.html,At last?!,06-10-06>
Recent '06-'07 Entrees
July 05 to July 06