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Week-end stuff
06-20-06, 3:23 PM

My mom gave me her 25th wedding anniversary ring such that I could use the ring/diamond for an engagement ring. I explained, "Instead of prodding me, why don't you give me the ring and I'll place it in my safe until the time is right."

"Yes, that's a good idea so that I don't have to keep asking when you're going to ask her."

After this week-end, I feel we're headed in the right direction and things are going well. I've been invited to visit her folks in South Carolina over the Fourth of July week-end -- our first over night trip and road trip away from home.

I started "Operation Annoy the H.R. Person To Get an Interview". I'm also using all known contacts to get my foot in the door -- networking. I hope this pays-off.

Work is work...I think the extended periods of "coasting" with nothing else to do made me complacement and negligent in my duties. Procrastination caused over-sight on an order. Damn it! Oh well.

As always, there are issues and drama with family got touchy over the week-end. I was just pulled in every direction. "Do you think my parents call to much?"

"I think your phone rings alot." The girl replied. Did it! She's was family-correct in this response.

I think my diaryland Gold or Supergold account expired but I never received a notice. I thought I had until mid-July. No answer yet from the help desk.

Yesterday - Tomorrow

Here we go again... - 10-06-10
fuck you. - 07-02-08
A new blog - 04-13-08
New site: The Running Bob - 03-16-08
Tax Man Encourages Hobbies? - 03-11-08
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Recent '06-'07 Entrees
July 05 to July 06