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Like a good suit -- city, home and the girl
10-17-06, 12:08 AM

Truly, I want to write about all the great things I�m seeing and doing but haven�t had time. In four days, I�m proposing but occasionally have second thoughts � not for substantial reasons other than being testosterone male in a new city. However, her panic phone call tonight regarding packing and moving gave cause to some validity. Seriously, the proposal should be a good moment and I just wish there was a video recording the private moment.

The Soulstice Race, a 11.5 mile trail run beginning at an elevation of 8,500 and rolling along the mountain-side up to an elevation of 9,600 and below, still has me recovering two days later and with the Chicago marathon in less than a week. I should never have run this.

Never mind my concern about twisting an ankle after a year and half of training. Instead, I took a head first digger in a rock field shearing away an inch by inch and half piece of skin on the palm of my left hand along with lacerations down my forearms. Immediately, I knew what was occurring because the world came to a crawl as the very small, black piece of rubber covering the tip of my shoe brazed the rock. How do I know? I could visualize it happening.

Next the world sped fast forward as I was airborne, sailing down the hill,only seeingjagged, brownish gray rocks quickly approaching. �This is going to hurt. My teeth!� Calm was the voice but the pain rocketed and an, �Oh, shit!� followed by a few grunts of embarrassment. The two runners ahead of me briefly stopped and yelled back up the mountain, �Are you alright?�

Embarrassed, �Yea, no problem.� I didn�t take time to assess my injuries as I immediately rebounded to rejoin the race. After the adrenalin wore thin, though, I felt the blood dripping across my forehead. Then, I felt the blood upon my forearm followed by stinging and a sharp pain pulsating from my hands and forearms but not my head. Removing my hat, I didn't find clotting blood, and surmised the blood was from when I touched my head to see if it were dented. Not having any bandages, I then used the hat to wipe away the debris on my forearms and dab my palm which revealed small, imbedded cinders and pebbles along with young, fresh,raw, lower layer skin that stings when exposed -- because it is not supposed to be! A huge, chunck of "normal, outer layer skin" still remains attached and drying out today.

After the first loop of five miles of a figure eight trail, I found myself back at the starting line looking for the first aide tent but there wasn�t any. My blood did not cause for alarm because the down pour of freezing rain caused spectators to huddle under the tents and drink beer.

To make a long story short, I finished under two hours but didn�t sprain my ankle, my greatest fear with the marathon so close. Instead, I managed to rip flesh from body and caused my fingers on my left hand not to function for two days. Despite the muscle seizing leg cramps, freezing rain and the header in the rock field, I had a blast and now have a goal for next year!

Sunday morning, I drove a mere 90 seconds to a trail head and took the dogs on 5 mile trail hike � easy trails. Milo was smiling and happy. He knew he was back in the mountains. Girldog joined in the happiness and was jumping all around Milo and I. I was having one of the those elated, �I�m so glad to be here moments!� Wide open spaces, meadows, mountain drop back, and pine smells, �City people don�t know what they�re missing!�

At one time, I wanted to live in Chicago and be a trader. I study economics and worked on the Chicago Board of Trade but quickly realized the pace wasn�t for me. I tried to recall when I became fascinated with the country and recalled my time at YMCA�s horse camp in Ohio where I rode my first horse and camped out under the stars. I knew I belonged.

Later in the day speaking to the �Girl� about purchasing a home, I said, �Believe me, if you walked into this home, an arts and crafts style, you know you belong in the home because it seems to fit so well on you � like a good suit.�

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