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Did we get there?
01-28-07, 11:23 PM

The week ended crappy with an attorney writing hate mail to me and my boss in the style that only a prick attorney can. But, let's keep it in perspective -- his clients pay him big money to be a prick whereas the tax payers pay my salary to make developers jump through a few hoops. The question is: how high should I make you jump? Keep this up and you'll need to pole vault. Ahhh...but I love my job, despite the jerks.

Wedding plans are underway and we're trying to cut as much cost as possible.

"$108 please." The cashier requested.

I audibly gasped while shaking my head. Can't we do this by email or phone calls? I could only think, "This is the begining... it was so much easier being single -- eat pizza, pet the dogs and sleep late."

As the day gets closer, there is an irrational thought old girlfriends will call me and want to see me one last time. It is very irrational because I haven't spoke to one in 20 years, another in 13, another in 5 and 2, respectively. Do I want one last fling? Sometimes, the thought passes, but doesn't sex cross our minds every seven seconds or so? Sometimes, I just want to see how their lives are turning-out. With each girlfriend, it was a different time of my life and we each had different ideas of the future and who we wanted to become. I just wonder: did we get there? Did we find the person? Was that person worth breaking up with for the next one?

Yesterday - Tomorrow

Here we go again... - 10-06-10
fuck you. - 07-02-08
A new blog - 04-13-08
New site: The Running Bob - 03-16-08
Tax Man Encourages Hobbies? - 03-11-08
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