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Jealous of myself?
07-09-07, 12:28 PM

Run, run and's all we do, except the fun aspect are things we do after our runs. On Sundays after the long run, we typically stop by the local Farmers Market and restock our vegetables and buy cheese which, is then followed by a pancake breakfast and reading the newspaper with coffee. Of course after a tiring run and filling our bellies, a long nap is required after running some 16 plus miles before working in the yard.

Recently with the weather so warm, we've been able to enjoy our front porch with a bottle of wine with cheese and crackers. We're quite surprised that others don't follow suit within our neighborhood and take advantage of such great views. Maybe, we could do this nightly ritual because we don't have kids and prefer a game of Cribbage or Scrabble to the television? ...nah...who am I kidding? I love movies on television but I also enjoy beating Karen at her own games. I'll probably have to throw a game or two to keep her interested.

I think I decided to delve into the art world and take a few courses at the community college or the university - Might as well take advantage of her discounts. Besides, this will provide an excuse to be creative as I won't be able to be a marathon runner my whole life.

My delusions has us producing some art work and part-taking in some local art fairs for the fun of it -- see what would sell and just talking to people. Like I've always said, "I'm jealous of the artist." Can I make myself jealous me, then?

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