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Symptoms of a Mid-life Crisis
07-18-05, 10:06 PM

Dove in head first on this on! Son of a bitch! Why did this happen to me? ....�Cause you�re old!

Excepts taken from Psychology Today

Symptoms of a Mid-life Crisis:

�Small, nagging doubts may appear, perhaps followed by a series of dramatic, apparently irrational events leading up to great change. During it all, men and women ask themselves questions such as: Is this all there is? Am I a failure? Symptoms and behaviors during mid-life crisis can range from mild to severe, including:

* Boredom and exhaustion, or frantic energy
* Self-questioning
* Daydreaming
* Irritability, unexpected anger
* Acting on alcohol, drug, food, or other compulsions
* Greatly decreased or increased sexual desire
* Sexual affairs, especially with someone much younger
* Greatly decreased or increased ambition�

Well, I got �em all. Crap. You�d at least think I�d buy a cool car or something.

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