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Delivery For A Geek Runner
01-04-06, 4:31 PM

After receiving an email on December 28th , I began my stalking activities. Each day since, nearly on the hour or less when there was free-time, I logged onto a website to track the progress of the delivery. Yes, before the arrival of my utility bill, I purchased a new toy on Ebay to help me with my running � an mp3 player that also has a pedometer to record my distance traveled, speed, real-time running pace in minutes per mile and overall time which is then voice relayed through the headphones over the music at designated time intervals (e.g. every five minutes/ three minutes, etc) . It also has the ability to download these statistics to log the information and manipulate it through statistics.

Only a geeky runner can be excited about such a toy and I�ve been glued to FedEx�s website tracking the progress of the delivery from Van Nuys, California to Studio City, California to Sun Valley to Grove City, Ohio to Jeffersonville, Indiana to my home in Louisville. As we speak, this $150.00 toy sits on my front porch waiting for my return home from work or for thief who happens by.

Yet, I�m so fuckin� excited about this delivery! A lot more excited than the utility bill the other day.

Yesterday - Tomorrow

Here we go again... - 10-06-10
fuck you. - 07-02-08
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Tax Man Encourages Hobbies? - 03-11-08
,060104_94.html,Delivery For A Geek Runner,01-04-06>
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