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Flying Over Ashley Judd
02-02-06, 8:33 PM

Ashley Judd, I lust mildly after her. To give you a better understanding of my lust, if I�m at a particular bar, there is a poster of her sitting on the ground in an UK jersey which causes me stare endlessly at her while sipping my beer. As much as I try to look away, her devilish smile and one outstretched leg are tractor beams drawing my eyes back to her.

Why is the important? My dream last night gave me the ability to fly. When flying, similar to Superman but without outstretched arms (more fluid movement use of limbs but slow, gentle and graceful), above the trees and looking down upon the ground, house tops and businesses, I have that birds eye perspective which is really cool and seemingly accurate � must be due to my profession to have such a view perspective. This time though, my view perspective was mid-tree or building as well with the ability to descend through a leafy tree. Also, during this dream, I caught myself being conscience of the fact that I�m dreaming but let it go because it is usually a blast and sometimes scary.

In this dream, Ashley Judd was sitting outside in a beer garden at the Pub, one of my favorite establishments in a small town where I worked. I hoped that she would notice me flying about and think it was something special to get to know me. I don�t think she did but I tried to get her attention.

When I woke, I wanted to write about the dream but failed to do so as it is now twelve hours later and forgot the details. Throughout the day, I wanted to figure out why I dreamt about her because I usually don�t dream about celebrities or particular people. In the end, it occurred to me that the last thing I watched before falling asleep was �Ruby in Paradise� on the Independent Film Chanel. Now, if I only had a porn movie to fall asleep to tonight!

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