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Things are finally going my way!
09-08-06, 1:43 PM

The worlds must be colliding because everything is going my way!

Bought a used cool car and a good price.

Got the job offer.

Received news from the new boss permiting me the two days off for the marathon and the big night!

I'm buying the ring this week-end.

A Realtor is seeking home rentals for us in Arizona.

Currently back in Kentucky, we're interviewing Realtors to sell our homes and found a great one, yet have one more Realtor interview.

I'm back on track for training.

Dad was released from the hospital and slowly recovering -- in the sense his white blood cells are increasing in numbers. So, he'll be sticking around for a few more months...hopefully.

Last but not dogs are cool!

Yesterday - Tomorrow

Here we go again... - 10-06-10
fuck you. - 07-02-08
A new blog - 04-13-08
New site: The Running Bob - 03-16-08
Tax Man Encourages Hobbies? - 03-11-08
,060908_60.html,Things are finally going my way!,09-08-06>
Recent '06-'07 Entrees
July 05 to July 06