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Love Me If You Dare
08-16-05, 4:48 PM

�Love Me If You Dare�, or as originally titled in France, �Jeux d�efants�, is a recent movie I caught on the Sundance Channel over the week-end that has me continually thinking about the plots and subplots: causing me to watch it again tonight so I can catch what I missed at the beginning. Not that I missed much but this movie is worth seeing again because of the untested �love� relationship between the two characters as well as the lengths the they would go to win the �dare'; despite the pain and suffering inflicted upon others and themselves.

Definitely, it is not a mainstream movie, especially those who do not like to dramas or reading subtitles. However, I really got a kick out of it except for the very ending � I suppose I haven�t totally suspended my belief for the �dare� to be so final.

Otherwise, I patiently await for a phone call for another interview and have yet to return my application. Also, I�m watching dad again while mom flew to California to visit my sister. Four nights of being a prisoner attending to my father will cause me to be stir crazy by Saturday.

Oh well, at least it finally rained!

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