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Meaningful Relationship
12-29-05, 11:23 AM

While working, well, it really wasn�t work because I�m just technically in the office between the holidays but not accomplishing much, through a dispatch of emails to a friend, it seems the notion of marriage is on people�s mind.

Tonia and her �newer� boyfriend discussed weddings and agreed upon an island wedding if their relationship should carry them that far. Reading that your good friend is considering marriage kind of put me off-kilter because of the realization that I would no longer have her to tease, bullshit and discuss desires and dreams.

As with yesterday�s fortuitous coincidences and perusal of engagement and wedding rings, I�m wondering if fate forces are nudging me in the back or will a smack upside my head with a baseball bat be required to move my ass to a meaningful relationship?

Yesterday - Tomorrow

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